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The Persian Gulf countries modernize their electric systems

Persian Gulf countries modernize their

This decision is related to the need to ensure reliable power supply to the region.

Recently, most governments of the world have decided to change the vector to an economy with a low level of carbon dioxide emissions. According to the forecasts of some analysts, this will lead to the fact that in 2050 57% of the total volume of world electricity production will be provided by renewable sources, and the industry itself will depend on such energy carriers as coal, oil, gas, biomass, wind, solar, nuclear And hydropower.

Such a rapid development of the industry became possible due to the introduction of new technologies in the field of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. At the same time, the need for reliable power supply has led to the configuration of networks capable of providing high-voltage DC transmission, which guarantees the reliability and flexibility of transmission lines. One of the first such lines was installed in 1986 on the bottom of LaManche, thus uniting the national networks of France and Great Britain.

Last month, the Persian Gulf countries put into operation a 400-kilovolt supernetwork that united the networks of countries such as Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. This project was implemented to prevent local shutouts and for rational distribution of energy resources.

The network itself includes a central station located in Saudi Arabia connecting 900 kilometers of high-voltage transmission lines, 37 kilometers of submarine cable in Bahrain and 7 substations with a capacity of 400 kilovolts. Note that the station itself is capable of distributing energy, ensuring its stable supply without exceeding the production limit. The Persian Gulf network Interconnection Organization, which initiated the project, notes that putting the network into operation plays a key role in the region's stable energy supply.

The complex itself, capable of making decisions in real time and providing remote control and monitoring of the network status, also facilitates the development and use of renewable energy sources. In particular, the Qatari Corporation for Water and Energy Supply envisaged the possibility of connecting to the solar power system and implementation of smart electricity meters.

The Persian Gulf countries modernize their electric systems

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Views: 3936 Added: 22-06-2017