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  • CJP announces Summer 2011 Biodiesel training courses June 1-30, 2011

    CJP has the privilege to provide most authoritative Knowledge platform known for Development of Sustainable Non-Food Oil Crop Projects, Programmes and Priorities to Feed Biodiesel Industry Worldwide and has established the Biodiesel Business Academy? (BBA) to provide quality, impartial, informative and enjoyable advanced level training with enhanced technology in the field of Biodiesel production. The BBA delivers Training to international and national participants/professionals of green energy industry to increase and distribute knowledge and skills...

     We, at CJP believe that biodiesel can reduce dependence on petroleum, help address climate change and boost domestic economies. Biodiesel from a variety of feedstocks can meet contemporary needs for environmental stewardship, economic prosperity, and quality of life without compromising the ability of future generations to meet these needs for them. We are confident that scientific advancements can demonstrate, preserve, and enhance biodiesel's ability to help meet the food, feed, fiber, and energy needs of the future. We’re always looking for new ways to get young people involved and informed about biodiesel there is some very innovative and creative thinking out there from our young people, and we just wanted to be a part of that.”

     CJP is pleased to announce the “SUMMER 2011: BIODIESELCOURSES Level 1, 2 & 3 “providing a great opportunity to those students who have passion for renewable energy and looking for a great future in global biodiesel industry. The summer biodiesel education 3 day course at BBA is set to fuel students’ passion for renewable energy providing appropriate level of exposure to the students with biodiesel courses with a multidisciplinary approach to introduce biodiesel production from farming to fuel

     This is a 3-level course

     Level – I: Introduction to Biodiesel crops cultivation technology like Algae, Jatropha, Pongamia (Day 1&2)

     Level – II: Biodiesel Production technology, economics & uses (Days 2 &3).

     Level III: Practical Training: After the presentations, the practical demonstration of following shall be made- 1) Determination of oil content in oilseed; 2) Oilseed extraction; 3) Biodiesel process; 4) Separation process; 5) Glycerol recovery Introduction

     Biodiesel level –I (Day 1& 2) will provide participants with information and hands-on experience for the various production feedstock and field demonstration.

    Biodiesel Production Level II& III (Days 2 & 3) will provide detailed information with hands-on experience in biodiesel production from various feedstocks. Due to the advanced nature of this course, students must have either taken the one day introductory course or have previous experience with biodiesel production.

    In nut shell the Course shall have the presentations by eminent experts covering the following topics

    Potential Non Food crops such as Jatropha, Pongamia as biodiesel feedstocks and their propagation techniques Algae as a potential feedstock Introduction to biodiesel and production Technology Economics of biodiesel Industry and global scenario Quality norms and Government policies and legislation

    TIME PERIOD: Summer Biodiesel 2011 shall be held in June 1 to June 30, 2011 at Jaipur

    Class sizes are limited to 40 students. It is recommended that you submit your registration form at least one month prior to scheduled class. A completed registration form, with signature, is required from each student. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. An incomplete registration form or a form unaccompanied with payment will not be processed, and may delay class reservation.

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    Views: 4212 Added: 27-02-2011

    Press-release provided by:

    Centre for Jatropha Promotion & Biodiesel
    Director Training
    Address: B-132, SAINIK BASTI
    Phone: +91 141 2335839
    Web-site: 49daef8ffe374a0c8320772c92184521
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