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Wood prices world -wide

Prices world

Wood fiber price is the most significant outlay for wood pulp production. In the first quarter of 2009 this amount estimated 53% of the total manufacturing expenditures worldwide. Industry professionals state that relative and nominal price of wood declined last year; wood fiber prices had been keeping the lowest level in over two years in the second quarter of 2009. 
Wood price is the factor, stating the profitability of pulp producing factory. Such price usually lies between 40-65% of expenditures depending on product level and the expenditures for chemicals, energy and personnel.
According to industry experts' data, the average price for wood worldwide made 53% from total manufacturing cost in the first quarter of 2009. They also provide information about cost and equipment for about 640 pulp factories worldwide, including market and integrated pulp producers. New Zealand, Russia and Western Canada had been acknowledged to be the lowest cost -based countries, meaning the percentage of total expenditures for manufacturing. Japan, China and Finland are the contrary.
Experts also rank every pulp plant economic efficiency from the point of view of risk closure. The assessment is based on the position of capital requirements, manufacturing costs, size and technical age, specific for each plant. Based on the data specified, the pulp mills at Indonesia and Chile had been acknowledged to have the lowest closure risk, while the same companies, located in Japan, Spain and France have been assessed as the regions, having the least profitable plants for pulp manufacturing in the first quarter of 2009.
The aforementioned analysis, though, shows that countries with lowest closure risk may have the companies having highest closure risk. For example, 29% Australian and 14 % of German mills were put into this category in the first quarter of 2009. Japan has the index of 2/3 pulp producing plants, having highest closure risk.
As experts state, the average wood fiber price for pulp manufacturers dropped by about 15% during the last year. The biggest price drop for conifer fiber took place at Finland, Germany and Russian, while non-conifer fiber prices encountered the biggest drop in France, Japan, Germany and Finland. The experts forecast that wood fiber prices drop in many markets and start increasing later in the year 2009.

Wood prices world -wide

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Views: 7473 Added: 03-02-2010